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My teaching philosophy encompasses five principles which I abbreviate as RIVCM. RIVCM stands for the Rhetorical base, Inclusiveness, Voice, Conferences, Multi-modality. 1) R for Rhetoric: I believe that understanding the power of rhetoric help us construct a strong persuasive argument. Therefore, my writing class encourages students to use effective rhetorical principles. 2) I for Inclusiveness: all students in my class should feel they belong to this space regardless of their ethnicity, gender, religion, color, or politics. As a teacher, I do my best to accommodate everyone so no one feels behind or left out. 3) V for Voice: because everyone’s voice matters in class, I consider myself a facilitator of the voice. My assignments usually focus on students’ voices as active agents of change. 4) C for Conferences: Conferences are opportunities to share any concerns in addition to discussing students’ papers. Finally, 5) M for Multimodality: all my writing courses should include multimodal text so that students can use visual, oral or animated components to strengthen their arguments and clarify their claims.



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